Monday, April 27, 2009

The Story of A Girl and Her Cat

The Story of A Girl and Her Cat

A lovely young girl, with hair the color of mud after a spring rain, whose eyes shone like stars in the dark of night, sat sweetly with her previously mild tempered cat.

Then her cat began to get ideas, which was not very unusual for her cat, a cat of such fine breeding and high intelligence. Normally, it would just think of soft fluffy things, like pillows. Or of delicious things like fresh salmon. But this evening was different. It began to contemplate things of beauty. Things it started to crave just as much as soft and delicious things.

Soon it realized beauty in the eyes of it's master and dear friend, the girl. It saw those starry eyes of gold and coveted them. It wanted them. It began to go mad with wanting and jealousy.

The lovely girl treasured her cat, and would give it anything it wished. All the soft things in the world, all the delicious things. She loved it with her whole being, her love gave it the ability to think and feel more than any other cat ever had. But it did not realize this. And the girl sat unsuspecting, holding her cat closely while it thought and thought.

It could think no more. It was so blinded by those brilliant stars, it had to have them. It lashed out at the girl and grabbed one of her star eyes. It consumed it so it could it make it it's own. So the star could be apart of it. So it could have that beauty inside.

But it did not think things through; it did not know that this is not how you get beauty. It did not know that it was already beautiful because of the girl’s love.

And the girl knew that it knew no better. So she forgave it, but her love for it dulled within her heart, just as her eyes glowed dim and dull like electric lights, no longer stars.

And likewise the cat's beauty dulled. And it's heart shone painfully bright from the star it consumed.

~January 2009